Al Saddah Grand Mosque
Plot Area: 5600 sqm.
Location: Abdullah Al Salem, Kuwait
Status: Completed
Year: 2014
The underlying design concept for this neighborhood mosque is inspired by the Islamic belief in the Oneness of Allah, this is symbolized through repeated use of the circle form. The overall sense of wholeness and continuity is further enhanced by the use of a single pattern and typography. The pattern - proliferated on several materials and surfaces such as woodwork, metal work, internal walls, mashrabiyas (screen), minaret and dome is derived from a Damascan mashrabiya of six interlocking circles around a hexagon.
The Koufi font type, while very modern looking, is one of the oldest forms of Arabic calligraphy. Here, it is used to inscribe the 99 names of Allah and Quranic verses on interior walls. The minimal color scheme of white, beige, lapis lazuli and gold brass is apparent throughout the entire structure’s interior end exteriors.